PPPoker: Know your poker opponents

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  • Long story short. I ran an union who had PPSR games for a few months with this Romano Union. Good games, until someone decided not to pay. Still, they sent a screenshot of a fake transaction. Anyone in his right minds could check it on blockchain and see the transaction doesnt exist. They refused to talk, they refused to send transaction id. They even said I was lying. They tried everything. Lot of money lost. Lot of players disappointed. Who to complain to? PPPoker? They said they dont involve in settlements, although they connect people. Be aware. If you have info on ROMANO union, DM me or post your story.

    This post has been edited by Tiburon: 27.5.2024, 20:11
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  • Hi, Tiburon, we worked with this union through an agency deal, payments were on time and we have not heard of problems there.

    We will check with our partners about this and if there is any information, we will inform you in a personal message.


    I'm not sure that the PPP or anyone will be able to influence the payment. Public coverage of the situation is the only effective way to solve such problems, in our experience.

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  • GIPSYTEAMplus, Hello!

    We used to work for about 5 months, doing payments on Mondays with no problems, as well.

    On March 11 2024, my homologous, the head of Romano, did not pay their total loss, worth of 26.5k. Quite good amount of money so some of my players still suffering. Anyways, at least they admitted the rubbery and move the blame from one to another within their inner circle.

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  • Tiburon, It's a shame that this happened. We hope that everything will be resolved in the end and honest players will receive their payment.

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  • GIPSYTEAMplus, Yes, this is all about. You understood the situation very well. I also still have hopes they will fix it soon. Thank you very much for your reply!

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  • Hi,  
    I am from Texas, USA. I have played in the Family Aquarium club and have also been an agent. I have more than 1.5 million hands played on PPPoker, myself. It never happened not to pay or not to be paid until the second week of March this year. 
    Cristi, the owner of my club (also the head of the SU), didn't pay my last balance blaming he was scammed by russians. 
    Where is my fault? Where is my money? I am out of business, and they keep working, playing, and making money. And I am in Oblivion, waiting for two months for the money I have worked for.
    My players used to be losers, we paid. Once in a while, when winning, we would like to be paid, is that correct??

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  • Tiburon, it's terrible that this has happened, but sharing it will hopefully paint a clearer picture about specific users/clubs. Thank you for that. Hopefully they find more information about your case.

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