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  • Odd post here. I accidentally came across this forum. I have played micro on pokerstars for ages, never moved up, just played casually, used to play a lot. I remember playing against FAL1st and was always amazed how good he was and would wonder why he wasnt playing higher. I didnt play for a few years and came back to see he was playing huge buy ins and doing well. I was super happy to see a micro player I had watched moved up to the biggest buy ins. As a micro player, you rarely see this and in a strange way I was proud of FAL1st but never knew who he was. Anyways, I just wanted to say congratulations on your success and Ill always check in on Stars to see how you are doing. Im avesher on stars, dont look at my stats lol, I only play mixed which is why I followed you. Benny Glaser also. 


    ps--I always thought your name meant your initials and you are always 1st place


    best of luck in the future

    Reply Quote
    + 1 –
  • avesher, What years do you remember seeing FAL1st, and at what tables?


    It's pretty unique to have been there, like passing LLinusLLove at the start of their career. Not everyone gets that experience (or remembers it). 


    Did you see the interview we did with him recently?

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    + 1 –
  • avesher, that's cool! And do you practice with a coach or use any software to progress like FAL1st? :)

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    + 1 –
  • MattC @ 21.05.24 

    avesher, What years do you remember seeing FAL1st, and at what tables?


    It's pretty unique to have been there, like passing LLinusLLove at the start of their career. Not everyone gets that experience (or remembers it). 


    Did you see the interview we did with him recently?

    I remember him at many mixed tables when i used to play more volume, I remember him always taking my chips and just being fascinated how good he was. Id have to guess that was 7ish years ago. I have not seen the interview but will watch. Im way older than him, but I always check in how hes doing in mtts, kind of like a favorite player in sports.

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    + 2 –
  • wlasz @ 21.05.24 

    avesher, that's cool! And do you practice with a coach or use any software to progress like FAL1st? :)

    no I dont take it that serious, its more of a fun thing for me

    My main gig you guys may find interesting. I collect poker debts lol. 8 years now. Im mostly known as The Collector from Pokerfraudalert and have recovered over half a million for people in that time. I was interviewed on PFA podcast by Druff and also by Joey Ingram on his pod. I hate scammers and enjoy getting peoples money back to them

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    + 2 –
  • avesher, wow! that's sounds really intresting. Maybe you can share some intresting stories with us? and, by the way, is this podcast only available on spotify?

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    + 1 –
  • wlasz @ 24.05.24 

    avesher, wow! that's sounds really intresting. Maybe you can share some intresting stories with us? and, by the way, is this podcast only available on spotify?

    not really many interesting stories as all my work is done online. My first ever collection was for a guy named Marc Klang and it was known as the Yayo incident on 2 plus 2 , kinda famous. 

    this is the podcast, my thing starts at 2 hours 20 minutes pokerfraudalert.com/radio/radio-2017-11-15-20-22-04.mp3

    I tell a lot of 'bullshit as at the time I was protecting my identity, now I couldnt care less who knows who I am

    Im older, in my 50s, have some health issues, no family, no wife, no kids and essentially nothing to lose which allows me to do what I do


    you can ask me anything and Ill answer it with full truth

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    + 1 –
  • avesher, dude, I think what you've been doing is awesome! and its never too late to get back on track in social life, you should start seeing somebody. I hope you do have friends you hang out with? as for questions about your work, have you ever been threatened for doing your stuff? like, hinted by people with the money that you should stop helping others?

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  • wlasz, haha i get threatened daily, ill post a gold conversation from yesterday, some guy said he was a cop, then 2 minutes later he says hes a debt collector, then 2 minutes later he says hes gonna put a bullet in my head and roll me up in a rug. Its all talk, good for laughs. Im diagnosed bipolar with antisocial personality disorder so hanging out with people is literally the least of my interests. I like the life I live, and have lived, its been a fun and interesting ride, I have no interest in seeing anyone about anything.

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  • this is what i deal with all the time------its just his comments, none of these are me talking




    (1/3)Hello Trent this is Detective Bob Pierce with the Cobb county police department. This is an unofficial off the record message for you to never contact Mr



    6:49 PM

    (2/3)McDaniel again. Your recent text has been recorded as a Threat in an effort to collect an illegal gambling debit. It has also been noted you have been



    6:49 PM


    (3/3)engaged in collected illegal debits for an extended period of time. 
    Any future communication with Mr McDaniel will result in criminal charges.



    7:08 PM


    Educated response! No wonder you ended up a criminal



    7:09 PM

    Cobb county is the fuck around and find out county



    7:10 PM


    Good luck collecting from Kodi pal






    7:13 PM


    Like I said fuck around and find out.







    7:15 PM


    Business must be bad with you collecting 4K debits
    I don't get out of bed for 4K







    (1/2)No one cares about what you are going to do 
    No one is scared 
    You are clearly desperate collecting such small debits. 
    I am retired you can google my



    7:18 PM

    (2/2)name. Just well connected here and no everything that goes on 
    You just happened to bark up
    The wrong tree




    7:19 PM

    You online guys are so tough 
    Tell you come out into the real world where us men roam
    The streets




    7:20 PM

    Let's just say Kodi is friends with a very powerful person locally that allows him certain protections



    7:20 PM


    My name is Bob Pierce I live in Marietta Georgia





    7:22 PM

    ill be in Boston Sept 25



    7:22 PM


    The only deal you will be cutting is with a prosecutor in my county 
    Son I am in my 70's I don't fight 
    I just pick up the phone and make a call







    7:25 PM

    (1/2)This is a waste of time you clearly don't understand who or what you are dealing with so I will end this conversation. 
    Just pray to god you never meet me



    7:26 PM

    (2/2)or any of my colleagues. 
    We are very little talk

    Have a good evening


    7:26 PM

    You don't get to be 70 by being stupid. You won't make it to 50 I can tell just by the way you message


    7:27 PM

    Someone will find you rolled up in a carpet in the trunk of an abandoned car 
    One shot to the back of the head


    7:28 PM

    Seen it a 100 times 
    With macho boys like yourself



    7:29 PM

    Just remember the name Bob Pierce


    7:29 PM

    Just remember my name


    7:29 PM

    Good day

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    + 1 –
  • avesher, he's part looked lika a scene from a cheap criminal series 😂 damn, that's interesting.

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    + 1 –
  • wlasz @ 28.05.24 

    avesher, he's part looked lika a scene from a cheap criminal series 😂 damn, that's interesting.


    avesher, he's right! Could this saga develop into a Hollywood script?

    Reply Quote
    + 1 –
  • MattC @ 30.05.24 


    avesher, he's right! Could this saga develop into a Hollywood script?

    Im just gonna say what others said, this no way is my opinion or ego speaking, its just a reflection of posts on other forums:


    I had a long thread on 2 plus 2 a hundred years ago (ish) lol,...i talked about collecting  but more about my life and things that have happend, IVe lived a very very different life and had lots of unique things happen. 100% of the replies wanted a book done by me, which just isnt my thing. I had a documentary filmmaker express interest and Im still in contact with him but nothing happening. I dont care either way, if someone wants to write it or film it, have at it


    anyone tell FAL1st he has a big fan? lol

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    + 1 –
  • avesher, I'm not in direct contact with him, or I'd pass along the message.

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    + 0 –
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